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Remember the rush of stepping into a room, head held high, feeling like you owned the space? I used to dream of that. But for most of my life, that feeling was a whisper, drowned out by the constant roar of the diet-binge pendulum. Every fleeting "size zero" victory was swallowed by a crushing wave of overindulgence, fuelled by the toxic belief that happiness was reserved for the slim.

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​My battle wasn't about understanding "how" to diet. Trust me, I knew every fad, every trick. It was about the "why" - the hidden fears, anxieties, and insecurities that turned food into a comfort blanket, a shield against the world.


That's why Daventry Wellness & Sports C.I.C. is  different. I don't offer another crash diet or restrictive meal plan. I unlock the psychology behind your food choices, peeling back the layers, exposing the emotional triggers that drive you to the fridge when stress hits. Kindness fuels change the sooner you swap negative self-talk for empowering beliefs, the sooner you equip yourself with tools to navigate life's challenges without relying on that extra biscuit.


Because true transformation isn't about counting calories or squeezing into smaller jeans. It's about healing your relationship with food and yourself. It's about understanding your "whys" and building a sustainable path to a life where confidence isn't fleeting, but an everyday superpower. It's about waking up not just lighter, but freer, ready to finally own your space.


Discover the joy of a life where wellness finds weight loss – naturally, sustainably, and for good.

Why will this work?...

I know what you are thinking, another website promising to fix my problems, but hear me out...


Most weight loss programs focus on the surface: what you eat, how much you move. And while these are important, they don't address the root cause of emotional eating or self-sabotaging patterns. You might see short-term results, but soon the old habits resurface, along with the familiar feelings of frustration.


My approach tackles the problem at its core. Together, we'll uncover the underlying emotional patterns driving your relationship with food. By understanding these triggers and developing mindful strategies to manage them, you'll gain lasting control – not just over your diet, but how you respond to life's stresses. This isn't about willpower, it's about empowerment.

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Sign up for one to one support

Personalised support developed around you, for you, supporting your goals. There are two options available, a monthly pricing plan or alternatively you can book sessions as and when you need them.

Introductory session:

A free goal-setting session to find out about you and what you hope to achieve, we'll start unpacking your roadblocks

One-off Sessions:

Sessions as and when you need them intending to unpack your triggers, cravings and habits, set goals and provide on-demand support for a week.

Monthly Subscription:

Our best value, including on-demand support, Whatsapp support group and up to 4 face to face sessions to support your journey

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Get in Touch

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